Friday, January 22, 2010

green foods

Jake loved all the orange foods but hasnt taken to the green foods so far. I can trick him into eating the peas by mixing them with cereal but he is not enthusiastic about it. He moves it around in his mouth, then pushes it out or if it goes down his throat he gags on it.

We also bought him this super cute hat. We have been out running the past couple days and the sun has been shining down on his face. he has one hat, but it is too big and kept falling down onto his eyes.

This is the first time he had green beans

First time he had peas

Friday, January 15, 2010


Jake had his 6mo appointment the other day. The doctor said he was perfect.
18 lbs
25 1/2 in

He is a little short for his age, but his belly makes up for it and the doctor said he was right along the curve. I am not surprised though, we have been waiting for a growth spurt for about a month now. His belly just seems to be getting bigger-- ha! I think there is supposed to be big growth spurt at 6 mo so we will keep waiting and feeding him. He has conquered the "orange" foods. he loves sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash. Next come the peas, green beans and broccoli! I have a feeling this kid will eat just about anything we give him!

On another note, I have now, as of today,officially started my training for triathlons again. Jake and I went out for the first time in the Jeep stroller (thanks Laura and Tess!). We have a lot of training to do but I am excited and ready to take on this challenge!

I can bite my toes!

My running buddy, we both need to work off our bellies

Playing around

Hey ladies, any cute 6mo olds out there?

Ohhh I LOVE the kitty (but Moey cat is not so sure)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

just to make you dizzy

Jake LOVES his bouncy seat. He sits in it for 45 min to an hour at a time just bouncing and talking. Its kinda nice, we can actually get things done, but most of the time I just watch him because it is funny. He bounces so much he is actually getting blisters on his toes!

My workout Buddy

The standoff: more to come between "Mr Cheeks" and Moe "The KItty"

"Im gonna eat the camera"

WARNING: This video will make you dizzy!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy new year, I want to wish everyone a happy, Healthy, fun 2010. We had a great holiday. My grandmother got to spend time with Jake which was very special and cool to watch.

We took some great family photos (although kurt had to work:( ) We will look back on these for a long time to come.

Then Kurts mom,sister and brother came, we exchanged MORE presents and they spent time with Jake

Jake is now learning to play the piano and he also said dadadadada for the first time today.

I also want to give a big congrats to katie for reaching her goal and winning the contest!