Sunday, February 14, 2010


I have not been a good blogger lately. My BF Katie is a great blogger. It always seems like they have something going on and she makes it so interesting. We have not been doing much in the past couple weeks. We were supposed to go up northern VA couple weekends ago but they had a major snow storm and we definitely would have been stuck! we got a little snow down in VB but it caused major havoc. I think we had a total of 3 snow plows. the Freeways were icy for days. We got a couple pics of Jake but I dont think he likes the snow. I dont blame him.

Jake started some swim classes 2 weeks ago. he was a little reserved at first but about 1/2 way through he loved it. Now the minute we get in he starts splashing, kicking and squealing. He is the youngest in his class but way more active in the water than the other kids. My parents joined us for a lesson the other day. It is really awesome watching your child learn new things and have fun doing it.

Since we started swimming he has really taken to bath time and love that now also! He splashes the water, plays with toys and tries to get the water from the faucet.

Happy Valentines day and Happy birthday to Kurt. Since my parents were here I decided to cook a nice filet mignon. I got a recipe off food network. I was pretty nervous (kurt usually cooks steak) but with a lot of help from MOm e pulled it off. We had roasted potatoes and asparagus, corn bread and some awesome steak. I think it was better than most steaks I have had at a restaurant! Kurt did awesome for valentines day, he bought me diamond earrings! what a good husband.

Just a cute picture of my boys!