Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Jake!

Wow, what a birthday! Jake is soo lucky to have so many people that care for him and we were so pleased at all the friends and family we had show up!

The party started out with a slight glitch--RAIN! After a couple emergency text messages the party was moved to the house which worked out well, I think.

we ate a little, talked a little and opened some presents. I did not know what to expect at a first birthday party, but I love everything, so does Jake!

Daddy and I love my truck!


Jake showed off his new skillz..walking

Then we ate cake! This was the first time we had given Jake cake, let alone this much sugar! I think he enjoyed himself!

This looks pretty tasty...

Sharing with Daddy

Digging in

Umm, milk please

He ate 1/2 the cake!

Jake needed a quick bath to clean up before the rest of the party

Thank you all for sharing such a special day with us!

Miriam and baby Faith

Jake and Lala

Lala and MAtt

Paul and Danielle

Katie and Lala


Melissa, Rick and KYle

Laurie (Lulu)

Happy birthday sweet baby boy!