Tuesday, October 19, 2010

To Grandmother's house we go

Each year my Dad and his brothers head to my Grandmother's house in Texas around her birthday. This year My Grandmother turned 80 and I thought it would be really nice to take Jake to see her. Unfortunately Kurt was not able to go with us, but my Dad was kind enough to fly with us from Norfolk.

Jake LOVED Grandma's home baked muffins!

We took Jake to the Fall Fair in Medina Tx. What? you've never heard of Medina? Well you are missing 5 blocks of PURE TEXAS! haha. Medina wasn't much but Jake liked the fair.

He really liked the petting zoo, got to touch a pig and goat.

He loved the live band and the instruments they had for the kids to play

Most of all, He LOVED the barrel pull. He laughed the entire time

Pumpkins and PopPop

Here is Jake with our relatives

They either had to read to him or play ball

The family

PopPop, Betty Jo, Helen, Larry, Uncle MIke
Grandma, Shirly, Jake

We had a really great time and I am so happy my Grandmother's siblings were able to meet Jake!