Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Happy Easter

We had such a great week. After my parents left Gangi (Nanny #1) and her mother (Nanny #2) came down. unfortunately the weather did not cooperate and we barely made it outside. But we still had fun!

Jake dyed Easter eggs with his Nanny's. they watched a lot of Cars!

On sunday we had Easter baskets and went for an Easter egg hunt.

Strawberries in our garden!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

spring break

It is spring break for school so my parents came down for a couple days. Kurts Mom and grandmother (Nanny) are coming down tomorrow. Other than a rockin thunder/lighting storm we have had great weather.
Jake has been having a great time playing. here are some really cute pictures!

Stay tuned for spring break part 2 and easter blog!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

garden and stuff

We decided to start a garden and grow some of our own veggies. Kurt and I are big dreamers but I have learned that we arent always the best at planning and following through. With that in mind I convinced Kurt that bringin in a tiller and using 1/4 of the yard for a garden would NOT be a good idea. So we made a box and picked a couple things to start with.

We planted 2 types of tomatoes, basil, green beans and carrots (both in seeds) and 2 types of strawberries. Our project total was about $50. So we figure if we get just a little out of what we planted we will make out money back!

We also bought Jake a toddler bed. He learned how to climb out of the crib and the conversion for his crib was a "special order" item meaning it would take 6 weeks to come in! I was a little worried about how he would so, first nap was rough but he adjusted quickly. He does get out of his crib and play but so far he gets back in bed and goes to sleep when he is ready. We have found blankey and RuRu on the rocker and often find multiple books in bed with him!

Couple more cute pics:

This pic is all about his hair-- CRAZY

PLaying outside!

His favorite shirt: Lighning and Mater (he shows random people his shirt in the store) and his boots!

I love his lips in the pic

peek-a-boo with Dad

Some tulip's we planted months ago finally came up!