Monday, July 18, 2011

Jake is 2!

Jake turned 2 on the 11th! By the time his birthday rolled around we had him saying " I'm 2, Mason be 3" (we just came back from visiting Mason)
We had a pretty low key day, Kurt had to work and my parents were heading back up to NOVA in the afternoon. we started out at the beach. Ut was a perfect beach day. Not too hot and super LOW tide so there were small pools all over that Jake loved to run and play in.

I love these picture of Jake and PopPop

He is SUPER Serious about pushing his dump truck

After the beach we went to eat pancakes. Which Jake gave a rating of "dewicious"

I attempted to put Jake down for a nap which he fought for 2 hours. So instead we picked up some icecream and went to the firehouse to visit Daddy. Jake loves the "fiacucks" and insists on putting the seat belt on, rolling down the window and having the door closed!

Jake LOVES Cpt. Hudak

We had his 2 year appointment, he is in the 85% weight (32lbs) and 65% height ( i didnt catch his height due to all the screaming). The Doctor said he looks great and talks more like a 3 yo than a 2 year old. I would have to agree. Yesterday Kurt was throwing him in the air and he said " I flying like an airplane"

We are excited about his birthday party this coming weekend!