Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ok, Here we go!

Hello! welcome to 2012. It might a little late but I have a good excuse! It has been a rough 2.5 months for me, but I think I am over the hump and ready to join the world again. why was it so rough you ask....

I am Pregnant!

I am so happy to be out of the first trimester. Our first Ultrasound was not very good, they told me that the baby was not growing enough and we might not carry the baby for much longer. I was started on medication to help the baby grow and was told to go to work and then come home and rest. We anxiously waited 2 weeks until our next ultrasound.
our next ultrasound showed that the baby had grown but now had a cyst on the cord. I was cleared to walk if I wanted for exercise but nothing more.
We were scheduled for a third ultrasound 1 month later.
I spent most of the first trimester sleeping, trying not to throw up and trying desperatley to have a bowel movement. (I wont go further into that because I can hear my mom right now... Raaaaacccheeel)

so fast forward to last week, we had the third ultrasound and they saw a perfect baby, no cysts and no chance of down syndrome! to make everything better, I passed into the second trimester and have started to have more energy, no nausea and I can poop! (thats it mom, I promise)

We really held back our excitement but after the last ultrasound Kurt and I felt a weight lift off our shoulders and are now very excited.

We are due August 10th. Yes, I love Summer babies!

A HUGE thank you to the parents for all your support and extra trips down to help out with Jake while I was too tired to lift a finger!

Here are some pics of what we have been up to these past 2 months