Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays

I should have written at least one blog post in between the last one and this one, but there was too much going on. Too much happiness and too much sadness.

I first want to mention how saddened we all are by the tragedy at Sandy Hook. One of my teammates in college had a niece, Jessica Rekos that passed away in this tragedy. They have set up a memorial fund in her honor at Wells Fargo. You can go to any Wells Fargo bank and donate to her fund. Please help. We can not ease the pain of this family or the others affected but we can do our best to remember the victims!

OK, deep breath..

We have had a great month of December.

We got our Christmas tree

We went to Busch gardens to see the Christmas lights

Jake had his preschool Christmas show

We had Breakfast with Santa at the firehouse



We had the Station Christmas party at out house where Jake herded all the adult firefighters up into his "firestation"  or playroom and got them to play firehouse!

We celebrated Hanukkah

Gabi started eating solids

We played in the fall leaves on Christmas Eve

We celebrated Christmas

It was a wonderful Christmas with family. Jake has already put out about 50 fires today, I am sure there are more to come.

Merry Christmas and I hope for a happy and healthy New Year to all!