Thursday, December 26, 2013


This is going to be a long post and I don't have time to do multiple posts to break it up. So yes, there will be a TON of pictures

Did I even post Halloween? Wow, that's terrible.
Halloween: Awesome
Jake was the "Red Baron" or Baron von Richthofen
Gabi was a pumpkin

I don't have a good picture but Kurt was working and we ate a lot!

Enjoy a couple other pics from November

Hanukkah: WHATTT??? it was at the same time as thanksgiving this year. Too early!

We explained to Jake that at Hanukkah we give one present each night and its not always a toy. We have a tradition of giving socks and underwear. It has become this great tradition and we all get so excited for socks. Who knew. So Jake was prepped.

I hand him the present that contained socks. he pulls them out and says:
"Ugghh, that's not fun at all" and throws them down

--can you blame him

So I open my package--socks!

" YEAHHHH, I got my socks!!! Jake what did you get? "

He chuckles and says "socks"

Kurt's turn, he opens and ---yup-- socks

"Wow Jake! Daddy got socks, awesome!"

Jake" OHHH yeah,, we all got socks-- whoohooo"

And the tradition continues

Trip to Gangi and Granddaddy's:
Literally about to leave the house and I get that flu feeling. suddenly-- muscles weak, cold, achy, shivery. Suck it up Rach, the car is packed we are going!
i immediately go to sleep in the car-- not like me
We stop at Bass Pro shops cause they have awesome Christmas village. totally miserable.
Up to NoVa. Lots of tea, Tylenol cold and sinus and Motrin. SUCK it UP

We had fun. Went to the Mall for the carousel because Gabi loves it. played in the snow (left over from the last week),  To the park go fly a glider plane with grandaddy, drove to the largest house ever with lights you could see glowing from the main street, hung out and opened presents!

Christmas: The anticipation, the faces of the kids, SANTA, PRESENTS!

It was a great morning. Kurt had to work but was able to get some coverage until noon. So we had Christmas morning together. I was on call but never got called in! Gigi and PopPop were over to enjoy as well

Jake kept saying" this is what I've always wanted forever!"

at bed time he said " mom, you're awesome!" YES!!!!

The kids love the train track

Gabi was up at her normal early hour so scoped out her present before the rest awoke

Classic: Jake realizing Santa came
Jake realizing he got an Aircraft Carrier AND planes

perfect moment #1

Gabi got a dress up box, she wore the skirt all morning

ahh, as good as it gets-- classic

Perfect moment #2

Happy Holidays and a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fall Pumpkin patch time

I love taking the kids to the Pumpkin patch. This year we have been super busy and Jake's school had a field trip to our local pumpkin patch. We took advantage all all tagged along.

LOL-- Katie he went right for the chickens!

Picking the right pumpkin is hard!

Squeeze in a fam pic I had to go right to work after

Here is our time machine
Jake and his buddy Lukey

Jake with Wesley and Luke

Jake and Carmen

2013 Preschool class