Friday, February 22, 2013

bad blogger

I have been a bad blogger, almost 2 months have gone by. We have been busy, mostly with work and kids. The biggest changes have been with Gabi (or as Jake has named her : Elly). She is practically crawling. She has the inch worm thing down but she will get up on her hands so we expect the full crawl any day. She babbles and loves bananas.

Jake continues to go to karate, he has been going for a about 3months but I hate to say  there is little improvement. Oh well--he looks cute in his Dobak!

We got a great midway review from his teachers. they told us he is a great listener, very cooperative, always the first in line and first to clean up. I rubbed my ears and asked if they were talking about MY Jake! They did say he is a great friend and very empathetic. That made my day.

lots of pics: so enjoy!

These pictures show Gabriella's "wings". her hair sticks out on both sides

I love this pic because Kurt is tongue laughing at Jake

Jake in his rocket ship


Happy February!