Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I think if I get one post a month right now I am doing a good job!

I wish I could relate all these amazing changes and report all the cool things we are doing but its been the same ol' same ol' with one exception-- a recent trip to the children's hospital with overnight stay included!
Oh and Jake did start soccer...

Jake woke up the other day not feeling well and with a little fever. it was his first soccer game of the season so we loaded him up with Tylenol and Motrin and he rebounded in the normal way so we went to the game.  That evening  after nap he woke up with 103 fever and we went to work trying to get it down, we threw everything in the book at him. The fever would go down for an hour and pop right back up. In the middle of the night he woke up and was breathing funny with temp of 103 again. He kept complaining of his throat so I thought he had strep and his tonsils were so swollen he couldn't breathe. So I took him to the ER at 2am, which isnt really dramatic because Laura was working and we just looked at him together. His throat was a little red, not bad, fever had come back down and he was breathing normally. So we thought-- ok, no big deal.
In the morning, fevers were back up --they got treated-- he took a nap at 9am (which really tells us he is sick) and when he woke up he was back to 103 and having a really hard time breathing. I called my parents who rushed over to watch Gabi and we took Jake to the ER. He was working really hard to breath (retracting and nasal flaring). In the ED an xray confirmed Croup. He got three special breathing treatments and steroids with minimal relief so he took an ambulance ride to the children's hospital. He had a another treatment in the ED and was admitted overnight, receiving yet another treatment in the middle of the night. Finally he was breathing normally and we got to come home the next day.
My parents had been taking care of Gabi and told me Dad had to run to the store to get Tylenol because they thought Gabi had a fever--really????--yup she did.

At 4pm that day (after coming home from the hospital) we took the kids to the pediatrician for Jake to get rechecked and Gabi to get seen.

Both viral illness.

Last night we put the kids to bed at 7pm and we went to sleep at 8 only to get up at 10, 12,2,3,4,5 and 6am when Gabi was up for good. Kurt said it well "its like being on medic One but your relief doesn't come in the morning"

Today we have tried to play man to man with the kids but they are still both fighting 103+ temps. I hope they break these fevers soon otherwise Mom and Dad might break!

Ok-- enough of the drama--
Jake is playing soccer-- Im not going to comment on how he did in the first game because he was obviously a little sicker than we thought but I will say I hope it goes better next time!

Gabi is really developing her personality. She loves attention and will call for Jake by saying "ehhhhh"
She smacks the table if you are not shoveling food in fast enough and now has 2 teeth!

Gabriella 7mo

 Jake "Mr. March"

This is classic Gabi face, wide eyed and mouth open

First soccer game, this is just the warm up but the best Jake action shot of the day!

This picture sums up the game: the white team with the ball and Jake's team just running behind them

Gabi and Gigi

Just getting to the hospital, poor baby was so tired from breathing so hard!
Jake at the first hospital

On the Stretcher getting into Ambulance

Jake leaving the Children's Hospital. Thumbs up and ready to go home!

This is how Jake feels

Sick eyes

Two Teeth!