Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Boy

My boy is growing up, 4 years old! Kurt and I have been commenting on how he is really no longer our baby. He is very much our boy. He is smart, and funny and stubborn and I would not change a thing about him.

He loves cars, airplanes, swimming. he wants to know the mechanics of things, the why of things.

He loves to read and we just finished reading Charlotte's Web to him. He was enthralled listening to the story and I was so impressed by the way he laid next to me while I read and just listened.

He is empathetic and still asks about our old cat Moe. He wants to know if Moe is ok in heaven, if he has friends and says he cant wait to play with him.

He is a typical brother. Jealous of a lot of things then says stuff like: we love our sister, she is the cutest little baby. We love having Elly Belly. He is the first at her side if she hurts herself and does everything to make her laugh.

He is loosing his baby talk (which I am sad about). There are not many words he messes up now but the last couple are Lets or Fets and Other or Udder. Although the udder day he said " lets go to the bike track" Kurt and I almost lost it.
He is always building his vocabulary so there are new words to stumble on like " the blump hubers" or the blimp hovers.

He swam the entire length of the pool today without a floaty on and NO help. I was impressed!

He give the most amazing hugs and kisses and is quick to say "I love you"

He is a gift and my life is better because of him!





Happy Birthday Jakey!