Sunday, August 25, 2013

Fun birthday

I turned 33 today--time sure does fly.

Had a great day with the family. We went to Ft. Monroe which is an old Army fort dating back to 1607.

Here are some pics

Oh...we got a new kitten. Meet Mustang (P51 Mustang to be exact)

Happy 33rd to me!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Baby Girl is 1

Gabriella is now a year old. wow.

She is a happy girl. loves to eat, read books and climb!

She says a couple words:
KeeKa (kitty cat)
boo (book)
Ba (ball)
Baba (bottle)
qwaa qwaa (quack quack)

She knows her hair, head, ears, nose and belly

Her 1 year stats:

The Necklace Daddy gave Gabi

Jake showing Gabi how its done!


She is not walking yet but will take about 5 steps and will walk holding onto hands. Anyday I expect her to take off

She loves the water-- bath time, pool or beach. She is more of a daredevil then Jake ever was. we have caught her on top of the tv stand, standing on toys, climbing stairs. She will make a bee line for the ocean and go right in if you are not watching.

Auntie Erica came back from Singapore and we got to spend a couple days with her and Gangi!

She loves big brother Jake and taking rides in his jeep.

Auntie Erica brought the Kids back little Chinese outfits. Gabi was not so sure but Jake was Rockin' his!