Thursday, January 30, 2014

more winter...

Snow, Snow, Snow...

thats it, all I have to say

I think that this picture may rival the pic of JT jumping from the diving board 


On the way home both Kurt and I reluctantly admitted that while sledding we strained our necks and felt really old!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


The let down of the holidays are over and now with all these new toys in the house we are stuck trying to figure out what to do in the frigid cold. This is when I miss Cali. I dont remember being "stuck" in the house except for the occasional rainy day.

Well, when stuck you make the best of it. We like to play legos, wrestle, dodge ball (oh yeah, in the house!) and dress up. The following pictures will be used in the future for total embarrassment.


Sorry for the snot in this picture but I love her eyes

Living  in a military area many of the people I work with are military spouses. Talking at work one day about Jakes obsession with planes one of the Ladies I work with said her husband is a pilot and would love to take Jake to see the planes. So Jake and I got a close up tour of a couple planes. He was in heaven but his day was MADE when he was given a real patch with the squadrons insignia on it. He was wearing his bomber jacket and the Pilot told Jake he could put it on his jacket. Jake looked at him and cool as a cucumber responded " No, this is a B.O.M.B.E.R Jacket" The pilot laughed and agreed the patch would be better on his pilot's jumpsuit

SNOW...snow is always good for a couple days of excitement.

Gabi was NOT having it!

She didnt even like the "sled"

I am not sure what he was doing in this picture but totally intense!
 I am sad he turned his head at the last second but I still love the tuft of hair, nose and mouth side view