Sunday, June 29, 2014

Natural Bridge

For anyone who follows the blog, I apologize for the lack of blogging.  I'm busy! Work has been crazy, kids are crazier and as we all know...time flies. But I had a weekend off so we decided to be a little crazy ourselves!

Friday night after work Kurt and Gabi picked me up and we drove to Gangi's house. (Jake had been hanging out with Gangi and Grandaddy for a couple days). We arrived at midnight. Quickly got settled in and went to sleep. I awoke at 4:30 am to the sound of birds chirping. NOT pretty at 4:30am! Then at 6:30 AM (on a Saturday!) the roofers decided to start work on a neighbors house. NOT happy!

We hung out for a little while then packed up and headed 3 hours south to the Natural Bridge, VA. Kurt convinced me to be super adventurous and forgo the hotel for a cabin. I was pleasantly surprised. the kids LOVED it!  It was a one room cabin; just enough for sleeping. We unpacked and headed back out to go see the Natural Bridge.


We love the Natural Bridge, very pretty and Jake really enjoyed the "hike"


Jake likes to take pics and is actually pretty good. Here are a couple he took. Please remember I had 4 hours of sleep!

Couple more from the Hike

Our only family pic all weekend

Afterwards we hit up the local Walmart for dinner and settled back at the cabin.

Boys intently trying to start fire

I think watching a hotdog cook is like watching water boil. 

We were all in bed and asleep by 9:30. I figured we would be up half the night with the kids but they must have been as tired as we were; they slept until after 8AM!!!! WOOOHOO. So kurt and I have now decided to all sleep in the same room at home 2 feet from each other if it helps them sleep until 8 every morning! just kidding!


Next morning we headed to Cave Mountain Lake. We saw signs for it and just wanted to check it out. Very surprised. cool little spot.

Here is the real reason we drove 4.5 hours to northern VA, 3 hours south and 4 hours back home in 2 days with 2 kids......BABY TIGERS!!! Quick back story: 2 months ago co-worker tells me the zoo will have baby tigers soon and they are going to let you hold them and take pictures. I tell Kurt.. Kurt obsesses about it. We make rash decision to go to southwestern VA to see baby tigers! I mean really, when in your life will you get to hold a baby tiger again?

Here it is... not the best because it is a pic of a pic. But thats a real Bengal tiger. About 4 weeks old named Deja. Very cute!