Thursday, August 14, 2014

Gabriella is 2

Wow, my little baby girl is 2 years old. She is sweet and funny and thinks her brother is the best thing ever! Gabi is a GIRL, she always wants to be "pick up", whines if she doesn't get her way and likes shoes. Yes, shoes, she has loved shoes the first time we put them on her feet. Last year at Christmas time I bought her  pair of shoes for Christmas. I thought-- she is young enough she wont care about these and I showed them to her before I wrapped them. He eyes lit up and she reached out for them.. Ohh the tears that flowed when I took those shoes away to wrap them!

Dont get me wrong though-- the kid is tough. she gets right in the mix of whatever Jake is doing. flying leaps off the couch onto a pillow, flying leaps off his bed onto the bean bag, planes, cars, trains, sword fights, wrestling and racing tricycles to name a few.

She is smart: knows all her primary colors, can count to 15, speaking full sentences usually with the word "want" in it.
" Mommy, I want cookie-cracker"
Her favorite thing to talk about is Busch Gardens. She asks every day to go to Busch gardens. usually the conversation goes like this:
G: we go busch gargens today
me: no not today
G: we go on round and round, we go on Mr, Boon (balloon) ride?
me: maybe another day
G: ok, boat ride scary? We go on scary scary boat ride mommy? mungy (bunny) rabbit go on scary boat ride, kekat go on scary boat ride, we get wet on scary boat ride?
me: yes Gabi we get wet on boat ride
G: PopPop go busch gargens? we eat yummy yummy ice keam at busch gargens? we ride choo choo train?
me: yes Gabi we do.
G: OK!

Happy 2nd Birthday Sweet Gabi bear!

See, new shoes!

She loves reading

This might be my new favorite picture, its not a perfect picture in the technical sense but... ha this is the PERFECT picture of these 2 outlaws!

My sweet baby face

Growing up too quick!

A rare Gabi laugh caught on camera-- usually I get the above look when the camera is out