Saturday, September 27, 2014

Blue Ridge Vacation

Kurt and I took a small 3 day vacation to celebrate our 7 year anniversary. We have been talking about getting away and hiking together.

Kurts idea: go on a long hike where you have to camp out in a tent outside.

My idea: go hiking and come back to sleep in a 5 star hotel with a hot shower.

Compromise: We went to Wintergreen resort with hiking and decent room, hot shower, nice restaurants and hot tub. Maybe not a compromise...I think I won this one!

Regardless... it was fantastic, or to quote Kurt on the top of the mountain "gnarly"

The hiking ranged from easy flat trails to climbing through rocks, steep narrow passages and across streams. We hiked about 10 miles total. The longest 8 mile loop took us about 5 hours. We did stop at the peak for a snack and rest and took in a couple sights for a few minutes but mostly it was all hiking.
Kurt was loving me at the end of the day while sitting in the hot tub to soak our sore tired muscles and then when it dropped to about 50 at night he was happy for the warm bed.

Beginning of the hike...nice and easy

First waterfall, at the bottom of the fall

Very top of the fall. We had to climb up the rocks in the picture above

Self timer, balancing on a log..gone wrong

We made it to the top...walking through the clouds

Second view point, the clouds have cleared and you can see the tops of the ridges

We clean up nice. Had a GREAT, well earned dinner after day of hiking

Day 2. Small hike to a little waterfall before heading home

The above trip was made possible by my parents who watched the children while we were gone. Thank you!