Monday, October 12, 2015

no time like the present

For those of you paying attention it has been 10 months since I have blogged. Not all my fault. I started a couple blogs and my pics would not load.
So here is a quick catch up. Jake 6, Gabi 3
jake started kindergarten this year and is doing great. he has been student of the day 3x in 1 month! He is reading like crazy and making tons of new friends. he loves library and art.
Gabi started preschool at the same place jake went. She was so ready. She loves her friends and her teachers. she asks every day if she gets to go to school today.







Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Its the holiday season!

Happy Holidays!

We had a wonderful, quite Thanksgiving. Just us and my parents. Low key but GREAT food.

The kids are very excited for Christmas but so am I. I love watching the excitement on their faces as we put up decorations and pick out the tree. Its rejuvinating watching it all through their eyes!.

Thanksgiving pictures

The kids love when the train gets set up

PIcking out a tree...or running around the tree farm

LOL, do you think they are related!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My favorite post

This annual fall post is becoming my favorite. Its a great season here in Virginia with trees changing color and mild temperatures. Lots of fun activities to keep us all very very busy!

We made spooky houses

We Painted pumpkins

We went to our favorite farm where they have a petting zoo, tractor, playground and of course pumpkins to pick

What a difference a year makes
Scaaarryy MONSTERS

We carved pumpkins
Played cowboys inside

And finally, it was Halloween. My little Minion and Captain America (I painted his shield!)

This is why I love this post: its my time capsule. I never did the sit in the chair or with a stuffed animal pictures but every year I take a pic of Jake and now Gabi on the Tractor. I told him this year that he better understand that this will still be happening when he is 16!



 Here is Gabi this year, I dont have one from last year but thats probably because she wouldnt do it. She did not enjoy it this year either