Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmaka

Merry Christmas and Happy Late HAnuka to everyone. We had a large household for chirstmas this year which was great!. My parents,my grandmother, brother and his girlfriend and of course baby Jake. Even though Jake wont remember this christmas I was really excited to share it with him! Kurts mom bought Jake a Santa outfit so he wore that today! We all outdid ourselves again, but we had a great time!
I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Santa Jake

Where's Waldo (I mean Jake...)

Happy Hanuka

Swing KAtie gave Jake

Jake with Santa

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tough two weeks

Sorry I have not updated this recently, we have had a sick household. Jake was sick last week, he had a runny nose, little cough but pretty high fevers of 100-103. We were giving Tylenol around the clock but couldnt get the fevers all the way down. So we took him into the doctor and she said it was a virus and to stick it out with tyenol, the humidifer and the dreaded bulb suction. SO we did and he s now doing much better. Although he has learned what the bulb syringe is for and starts crying and squirming before it even touches his nose. So just about the time he was getting better, struck a fever of 102. Super Kurt was running around trying to get Jake to bed me tylenol and more blankets. Of course I couldnt get anyone to work for me the next day, so loaded with my tylenol and motrin I headed in. With one hour left in my shift I asked the doc to look in my throat because it was on fire to find out I had strep! But I got some antibiotics and now we are all on the mend.

I havent taken many new pics, but I do have a good video. Jake has a new game of peek-a-boo. Its a little long, but cute.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

boys trip

This past weekend was a first for me. Kurt had redskins tickets and I had to work all weekend, so instead of dragging Jake back and forth to the sitter at 5am we decided Kurt would take him up to northern VA where our parents are. I was pretty impressed with Kurt, he had to load eveything including the baby up by himself then make the 4 hour trek alone. I know he was nervous but Jake slept the entire way. I heard he had a good time with Gangi (grandma Donna) and uncle T. He also saw his first snow and met my grandma, his Great-Grandma.
I know he is too young to care about christmas or hannuka but I am so excited to celebrate the holidays with our amazing guy this year!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

sitting pretty

Jake is changing so fast, its hard to keep up with everything he is doing. At his 4mo appointment the doctor told me he would be starting to sit up soon and she was right! within a week he started sitting. it is still a work in process but he can sit for 10-20 seconds before tumbling over to one side. He has pretty much mastered the cereal now as well! He is also bridging, he gets up on his knees and elbows but hasnt learned to lift his head up yet. I dont want him to grow up so fast, but I predict he will be starting to crawl by the New Year. all I have to say is watch out Moe, cause the baby is coming!

Let me preface this video, I asked kurt to take a picture so I was trying to get Jake to look up, I did NOT know he was videotaping.

Lala (laura) with her good friend (and now mine) Melissa and her son Kyle

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! This year we are all thankful for such a happy, healthy little boy. He is the highlight of my day and brings so much joy to us all. My parents came down for the holiday which is always nice, they make a great turkey dinner! This year I decided I wanted to give a little back so Mom and I went to Ronald McDonald house and cooked dinner for the families staying there. I think we are going to try to make it a tradition.
Unfortunately I had to work this holiday, but at least most people stayed home and I didn't work to hard. With that said, I work all weekend so I am sure I will be really busy!

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

big guy

Jake had his 4mo appointment today. He is growing so fast, each day is a new adventure! here are all his accomplishments:

he is 16lbs, 25 in
1. starting cereal
2, squeels (loudly)
3 rolls stomach to back andback to stomach
4. turns to our voices
5. started shaking rattles (today!)
6. pushes up on hands
7. laughs out loud
8. does things to get our attention
9. stops everything to watch Carrie underwood on TV!
10. he coos at everything and everyone
11. loves to play in his bouncy seat

Since I have not updated this in a long time, there are lots of pics and a good squeeling video!

Squeeling boy!