Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A couple videos

Some good walking

TOUCHDOWN! Jake is officially ready for football season


My little baby boy is getting so big. He is so funny!

He likes to sit with Daddy and watch TV, especially Jack's Big Music Show. He even has his own remote!

He Loves his Moey and now give him hugs! Moe is not really into this yet, but I think Moe will take any amount of attention he can get!

He sits in his "recliner". He can get in and out on his own!

He likes Paula Dean, and not only watches her but says "Mmmmmm, Ohhhhhh" when she shows the food!. He knows his food. Maybe he will be a Chef.

We gave Jake real spaghetti today!. In the past I have cut it up and used a spoon. Today we said-- forget it! Jake LOVED it!


"Is there any more in there?"

Hahaha, that was delicious!

Jake really needed a bath after that!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

all sorts of blogging

It has been such a busy month! Katie and Taylor were here for a couple days after jakes birthday. We put an offer in on a house! looks like it is going to go through and we will be moving in before the end of the month. I was working like crazy and didnt have time for much of anything. We took a quick spin up to NoVa. Jake is now a walking fool! Still a little wobbly but he barely crawls now. Here are a bunch of pictures and videos from the past couple weeks