Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! Happy Hannuka!

What a Christmas we had. First, we celebrated on the 24th. Kurt and I both had the 24th off and worked on christmas, so we celebrated a day early.

We had SOOO many presents, but we always do. Its the one time of year I let my wallet do the talking!

Please note the cars in both hands!

We got jake a cool train set and he really likes it. He was very excited in his serious, study everything way. So although he is not smiling in these pictures it is because he is intently focused on the trains!

Jake's favorite new word is Cookie! he says it for everything and we rarely let him eat it. he was in HEaven with his 2 sugar cookies (given on different days!)

Christmas came again a couple days later when Kurt's Mom and sister came into town! Jake got this awesome 4-wheeler.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A snowy Winter

it has been a COLD winter so far with 3 days of SNOW! The winter is not usually my favorite time of year because I despise being cold, but my work schedule has been great and we have had a ton of awesome (awtome, as jake says)family time!

Couple pics of our house in the snow!

we went to Busch Gardens a couple days ago. They have Christmas town and the entire park is lit up with holiday lights. all the stands sell hot chocolate, cider, smores and other holiday goodies and there are great holiday shows. I was so excited to go! they have a train you ride around the park that I knew Jake would love. We had to bundle up, I think it was 30 degrees but it was worth it!

--and yes, I made Jake wear that hat, it tied kept his cheeks warm!

Classic Jake face "are you kidding me people!"

A nice lady took this picture for us. It was a one shot deal and as those of you with little ones know-- its impossible to get them to look at the camera. oh well...

We also went to Williamsburg the next day. I think it was even colder and the wind was blowing. Jake really wanted to just run around but there were puddles of water everywhere (and thats where he wanted to be) plus horse poop and ice on the ground, so we couldnt let him roam free. He was not happy and I was freezing. We still had a good time.

Kurt attempting to corral Jake after he took off

This is the only way we can get Jake to walk in the same direction as us

Sunday, December 12, 2010

For some reason I had to download the videos seperate from the real post. continue to scroll down for the post!

I put all the car and unbreakable ornaments down low. he loves the cars and likes to kiss the bear. At the end of the video he is dancing to background music

This video is short but he says "CARS" really well

Christmas Time

I have always enjoyed the Holidays, but now it seems special in a different way. It is fun to see Jake experiencing the holidays. Even though he has not yet grasped the idea of Santa and Christmas I think he knows it is special. It is really fun decorating your own house and getting presents for your child. Unfortunately Kurt and I both work this Christmas day, so we are celebrating the night before. Once Jake is older I think I will start requesting the day off!

Breakfast with Santa at the Fire house. Jake did not like Santa! But he LOVED the fire trucks.

picking out a tree

decorating the house

Moey helping out with the tree decorating

The Christmas sweater!! We had a party at our house for the fire department and there was supposed to be an UGLY sweater contest. Well, Kurt and I were the only participants!