Sunday, March 20, 2011

spring time

Yeaah, it is the first day of spring! We have had some great weather here and a couple warm days! We bought Jake a pair of sunglasses and headed outside. Jake has been interested in Daddy's glasses and I found some at Walmart. I let Jake pick the ones he wanted. I really didnt think a 20mo old would leave sunglasses on, but I was wrong. I gave them to him in the car after I bought them and he wore them to the UPS store, INSIDE the ups store then home. The next morning at 5am on the way to the sitter in the dark, he wore them! He kept them on the majority of the time we were at the beach also. He thinks he is super cool like his Daddy!

Surfer Dude, checking out the waves!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

NOVA vacation

I had a week off that was unplanned so I decided to take Jake and head up to NOrthern Virginia for the week. Kurt was still working and came up on the train later in the week. I was a little nervous driving 4+ hours in the car with Jake but he did GREAT. I made a little tray for him and put all his toys and books on it so he could reach them. We stopped once for a bathroom break/diaper change and kept on going.

We arrived Sat morning and just hung out. Jake got to play with sidewalk chalk. Sunday we did more of the same and Monday Gigi took off. We went to the gym and swam in the pool which Jake loved.

Tuesday Kurt made it in. The train dropped him off in DC so my Dad used it as an excuse to take a half day and brought Kurt home. We ate lunch at Fudruckers where Jake was in heaven with Cheeseburgers and Dippin. Then we took Jake to see Kurt's mom (Gangi) at her school. Jake ran the halls of high school like he owned the place already! We visited our friend Danielle at the firehouse then called it a day. Wend we went into DC. We drove in and parked in my Dad's garage at his office. The we took the Metro to the National Mall. Jake loved the "choo-choo train" or Metro.

We went to the Air and Space museum. Jake spent the day looking up at the planes hanging from the ceiling and pointing saying "aipane". I am surprised his neck didnt hurt.

Then we walked to the Natural History Museum just to show him the dinosaurs. Kurt and I both agree they dont seen nearly as big as they did when we were kids! Jake pointed and said "dinosaurs, RRROOAAARR"

Then we took the metro back to my Dad's office and ate lunch before heading home. last thing Jake said before passing out in the car home was "choo-choo, aiplane, dinosaurs FUN!"

Thursday we went to another airplane museum where Jake had the run of the place and took full advantage finally asking to sit back in the stroller. he took a good nap, then Kurt took him to the Firehouse for a couple hours where he insisted on driving EVERY firetruck multiple times.

His vocabulary really blossomed this past week also. While we were on a walk he randomly said " I want cocola milk" (chocolate milk) He also saw something spilled over in a book and asked "wha happen?"
The best of the weekend was when I told him to "Sit your bottom down now!" in my best Mom voice, before he tipped the high chair over. he looked right at me and -while still standing-- said "si u bottom dow now!" Now he says that after every meal!
He was saying "sit your bottom down until I turned the camera on and I was trying to egg him on at the end, but I think it is too cute when he says "What happened". I just love his little voice

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

more chee-bugu pease

Ok, so Kurt and I needed little cheering up today and we have been soooo good on our diet we decided to get some cheeseburgers. We realized that Jake had never eaten a cheeseburger before so we got him one also.

Do I need to tell you that he LOVED it?

He also loves "dippin" anything you use to dip like ketchup, bbq sauce, salsa. He is asking for more cheeseburger and more "dippin"