Thursday, June 30, 2011

Back to Cali

We headed back to Cali this past week. Me, my mom and Jake traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific to visit family and friends. Jake did FABULOUS. he loves airplanes so he was super excited to fly in the airplane. We bought a portable dvd player which was a great purchase, read books, took a nap and played with some toys. Before we knew it we landed! We had a nice dinner and just relaxed after taking naps the first day. Jake took a 5 hour nap and we had to wake him up. The following day we went to Santa Barbara with Aunt Gail. It was a little chilly but was of course perfect weather by the time we left.

On sunday we had a picnic in the park with our relatives and friends. They had never met jake before so it was a chance for them to get to hang out with him.

Congrats Jill on the engagement!

SUnday night Maryl, Josh and Mason came home and the boys were super excited to see each other. Jake had to learn that all the awesome toys were NOT his! Of course the big firetruck was his favorite. "drivin just like Daddy"

On Monday, Jake and I hung out with Maryl and Mason and Mom went out with her friends.

Jake loved chasing after Mason and running from the waves

The boys loved the beach, chased the waves and played outside ALL day!

this is what we heard all the way home from the beach

We had a lot of fun and there are so many pictures, I couldnt post them all. Look to Shutterfly for more pics!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Backyard fun

we LOVE playing in our backyard! Enough said...

warning XXX: naked jake ahead!

Thanks for the idea Katie and taylor!