Saturday, August 13, 2011


Hi all

We have had a lot going on the past couple weeks. We are starting to potty train Jake. He is not totally gung-ho on it but he really enjoys the M&M he gets after going. If you catch him at the right time he will pee and occasionally poop in the potty. he is not always telling us he has to go but its a start! Since we were starting we bought him some "big boy" undies. I put some on him the other day and asked him to model for me. This is what I got!

Jake loves to be like his Daddy and play "fighterfighter" we brought out one of kurts old bunker coats and a helmet. Sorry the pics are a little distorted, not sure why but they are cute

I decided to do a Mud Run which is like an 8k on steroids. It is through soft sand, water, mud pits, tunnels, over walls and through trails. I started running on the beach to train for this and thought I was doing pretty good-- HAHAHA. We got a team together from work to do the run. When you run as a team you have to all start and finish together. omg, i thought i was going to pass out, vomit and aspirate my vomit then the docs on my team would have to revive me in the middle of the course. I have done many runs, triathlons and even a half marathon and I have NEVER felt soo horrible on a run before. Luckily my team was fantastic and helped me though. I think we still finished the 5 miles in just over an hour! (waiting on official time)
I still had fun in a sick torturous way and think I might do another!

last but not least... Donna came down for a couple days and helped us paint the dining room. I cant say I had much to do with it, Kurt and Donna did most of the work, I was either working or entertaining jake. But we finally got rid of the horrible teal and I LOVE it. They put up chair rail and the only thing left is to change out the light. We are very appreciative for the help, I dont think Kurt or I realized how much work it was going to be. I love it more each day and cant wait to have a big family dinner in the room!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

birthday party fun!

We had a party for Jake. We knew it was going to be hot so we had a baby pool, play sprinkler, water table and squirt guns. I think it was supposed to be 95 that day but luck rolled our way and a big thunderstorm came through which passed over us without raining but brought us a nice breeze and perfect cloud cover dropping the temp to about 85! we all had a blast!

Jake had so much fun and we are so appreciative and thankful for all the people who came and enjoyed the day with us!

His present was this playhouse. kurt and I plus the grandparents all chipped in! it even has a doorbell!

We bought Jake a tricycle. We initially got it a couple weeks ago but when we put it together it was broken, so had to send it back and re-order. He cant pedal yet but it has a parent steer bar so we can walk with him and control it. He really likes it!