Sunday, September 30, 2012

Its Redskin time

I am a husband supporter which means I am a Redskin fan by default! Every year my poor husband gets super excited and tells me how they are going to win the Super Bowl. I use this to tease him mercilessly throughout the season. Sorry kids...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Friends, vomiting, ear infections and rashes

My BFF and her family came for our annual visit this past week. It is so exciting because we only see each other once a year and its a huge build-up. I know that katie was super excited to come to the beach and just hang out and "have fun in the sun". Well we should have known the week would not be the greatest when her eldest daughter Taylor caught the GI bug from the younger Emma Kate and vomited all over her "fun in the sun" shirt 10 minutes before they boarded the plane to come. A frantic phone call from Katie, followed by a vomit filled plane ride and here they were in VB! Jake was SOOO excited for them to come he couldnt take a nap, until he fell asleep 5 minutes before arriving at the airport. We woke him up to tell him we were at the airport and he practically jumped out of his seat. He was sooo amped up to see Taylor, who was NOT excited at all after spending 3 hours on a plane with her head in a motion sick bag. Zoom ahead to morning one of Kat-chel vacation and we wake to find JT has caught the bug and has been hugging the toilet all night, Jake is full of snot and Emma Kate has diarrhea. Katie and I look at each other and are determined to have a GREAT time and salvage all the together time we can. We pack the kids up and leave JT to enjoy the bathroom scenery (did I say that Kurt skipped out and went to work)and go to the beach. Emma Kate loved the water and with 17 month old abandon made a sprint for the ocean everytime we turned out backs. Taylor with 3.5 year old wisdom decided she did not like the water because she was scared of the fish. Jake in typical Jake style just ran around with his beach truck. The rest of the Kat-chel vacation went about the same way, sick kids, cranky kids and fussy parents. We had one more suprise when Gabi developed hives and Kurt had to run out at 9pm to get benadryl! I do think Katie and I did our best to slavage what we could of thier vacation. We made it to the beach a couple times, took the kids to the park and even snuck away to lunch together without the kids! Regardless of the situation it is always wonderful to see Katie and her family. We get together and its like old times, not a day has passed, except we are older, much more tired and have lots of kids running around! Here are a couple pics I took but for the best of the best visit Katies blog She did a post a day so scroll down for lots of pictures!
Emma Kate
Jake and Taylor
Gabi taking a nap!