Sunday, March 16, 2014

Play time

We headed out to the Botanical Gardens yesterday. It was a great warm sunny day. They have a huge sandy play area for the kids and Kurt and I took turns running.
The gardens back up to the local Norfolk Airport. they have built a large hill and observation area. After playing we headed up to watch some planes!

Kurt came back from his run. Gabi saw him across the field and took off running yelling " Daddy!". You would have thought he had been gone longer than 45 min.

Jake loved the Airplanes and airport.
Gabi was not interested until the plane took off

Jake took my camera to capture the BIG plane taking off. not too bad, he put the subject in the center of the frame

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sometimes all you need is a warm day

We have had some great sunshiney warm days and it makes me happy!

We went to the mariner Museum which is about a battle between the Monitor and the Merrimack ships in the civil war. they had re-enactors and were shooting off the cannon outside.

Jake and Gabi got to ring the bell of the ship

Jake got enlisted into Ab Lincoln's army. he was told to report the following morning at 6am to start duty. He told the guy " you know Im a kid right, I cant really do this!"

The cannon they were shooting. Jake was very very nervous about the loud noise. after it went off he asked to go back inside. Gabi on the other hand said " BOOM, cool!"

It is impossible to get a good picture of the 2 of them

It is also impossible to get everyone looking at the camera


Wacky Wednesday.. this kids wacky enough he doesnt need any help