Sunday, June 28, 2009

new garden

Today was my last day at work before maternity leave and while I was there my mother in law, husband and his brother overhauled the patio area. it is hard to appreciate because we didnt get before pics but if you can imagine 3 foot tall weeds some as big around as a fist you pretty much have a picture of what it looked like. So please appreciate these pics and know they put in about 8 hours fo work today so Jake and I could sit outside this summer and enjoy the view! by the way, I am stoked it was my last day for 3 months!

The happy, tired crew!

This is Kurts "Italian garden"

This is kurts "secret garden" it has tomatoes, basil and oregano

Sunday, June 21, 2009

3d pics of baby jake

Hey all, here are the 3d pics of jake and of course his boy parts. I am now 38 weeks and everyday i wake up not in labor I am very dissapointed. I have 5 more days to work this week until I go on leave and I am very ready. Working gets harder and harder every day, I am very tired when I get home.
Enjoy the pics, I cant wait to see him for real!
The last 2 pics are his boy parts and his foot pushed against me

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

This is a funny video of flex. kind of a trial run to see how to put videos on this thing before the baby comes. pretty funny though!

sorry about the other video block, i cant figure out how to get it off.

PS to all of you out there I am 37 weeks and 1cm dilated!!!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

botanical gardens

Well after fighting a cold and rainy weather for over almost 2 weeks we finally got a nice day to go to the botanical gardens. I had been wanting to go for a while and it was a perfect day, only about 80 degrees. There were a family of geese and I thought this was the cutest pic. Kurt also got some nice flower pics. Of course there is me and my stomach. I dont realize how big I am until I look at the pictures. but I do only have 28 more days!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lets start blogging

I am going to preface this blog with I hate blogging, but my friend has a blog and I get to see her georgous baby grow and I feel somewhat connected even though we are half way across this county. So I thought it would be a good idea since my family is so spread out.

I am now 36 weeks pregnant, exactly 30 days until the due date and getting really excited with many apprehensions. I thought the other day, what am I going to do with a baby? I know I will figure it out though and we will love him soo much!

So with that I say BLOG ON