Sunday, June 7, 2009

botanical gardens

Well after fighting a cold and rainy weather for over almost 2 weeks we finally got a nice day to go to the botanical gardens. I had been wanting to go for a while and it was a perfect day, only about 80 degrees. There were a family of geese and I thought this was the cutest pic. Kurt also got some nice flower pics. Of course there is me and my stomach. I dont realize how big I am until I look at the pictures. but I do only have 28 more days!!


  1. The geese are so cute and so are you! He will be here before you know it.

  2. They are some great pics, especially the one of you. You will be an awesome mom, I have no doubt!

  3. How fun! Rach, I love your hair! Baby Jake is coming SO soon!!!! Yippee!
