Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2mo appoinment

Jake had his 2mo appointment today even though he is 11weeks old. The first appointment was rescheduled. Anyway, the doctor said he looked great, was developmentally perfect, and "gorgeous". he smiled the entire time she was with him. He only cried for about 20 sec after his shot, and I didnt cry at all!!

He weighs 13.6lbs and is 23 1/4 in.

He didnt even make it the 3 min walk home before he was passed out. poor little guy.

note the bandaid on his leg

Saturday, September 26, 2009

just hanging around

Now that Kurt is back on shift work he has a lot more time, and since I have not returned to work yet (oct 1st) we have had good quality family time together. We really dont do anything productive, we sleep until Jake wakes up from his morning nap, usually 9 or 10, we watch tv, play with the little guy, take walks. Its very nice and great family time. Kurt and I each have things we like to do with him, I like to make up songs or play under the sea, Kurt likes to play his guitar. I found Kurt and Jake upstairs the other day and was awed at how Jake was watching Kurt. I cant imagine having more love for 2 people, yet everyday I do. Please also note the hilarious hair line!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


So tomorrow is our 2nd wedding anniversary. We were going to buy a new TV for the bedroom, but after putting an offer in on a house decided not to spend the money. So I went to Hallmark to get him a card and in the music cards found one that played "u cant touch his" those of you who know me REALLY well (and now everyone else) knows that when I was young (in the late 80's)I had a couple pairs of "hammer pants".Kurt makes fun of this very often so I decide to make fun as well.Please keep in mind before viewing this video that I have been off work for a while and that no children wereharmed in the taping!

hes a laughing man

I hope this video loads,it is about 2 min, but he laughs a couple times. pretty cute!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

talking....well, kinda

So it has been a very interesting week. We went house hunting again and I found my dream house(for what we can afford) it was perfect for us. It had just come on the market that day! So we were going to put on offer in and found out a stupid cash investor came in and gave the bank money and bought the house. OMG this is the 3rd time this has happened to us. Yeah there are lots of great deals on houses right now, if you have the cash! ughh, I try not to get super excited about the houses, but i Loved this one and I am still mourning it! Anyway, about the boy. He has really started focusing on objects, tracking really well and being vocal. He likes to talk to his buddy Joe the octopus and Baluga the whale on his playmat as well as the flying frog on his swing. He will also make noise to get you to look at him if you are not paying attention. I caught a video of him talking to the flying frog. you will have to turn your volume up. Couple new pics also including the redskins outfit. We were hoping he would bring them some luck. I am not holding my breath!

Go Redskins!!

This is Jake taling, he throws his head back and says "hoooooo"

Frickin cutie

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Driving hat

I unfortunately never had the chance to meet Kurt's grandfather, but apparently he was quite a character. One of the stories kurt tells me is about how his grandfather always wore a "driving hat". I dont know the name of the type of hat but its one of those flat hats that people wore in the 1920's. Anyway we were out the other day and Kurt found a hat for Jake. We had to buy it for him and now we make him wear it everyday because it is just soo darn cute!
On another note, Kurt worked his first shift and all went well. It was a little sad for me when I realized he was not coming home that night. He has been home every night with me since last Jan. But Jake and I did well with a little help from Moe who cuddled me all night!
Jake is also smiling a lot more. He smiles and half laughs when he is on the changing table. But once you bring out the camera he gets distracted looking at the camera so it is hard to catch him smiling after that.

Driving Hat

Smiling boy

Kurt and Jake after kurts first shift

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Kurt graduated from Portsmouth fire academy this past friday. He is very excited to start working in a "real firehouse". He was assigned to the Ladder truck which is whathe wanted. I am very excited for him and his career. I know he feels like he has accomplised one of his goals and looks forward to reaching new ones.
Jake went to graduation and did amazing. He slept the entire time, and once awake was adored by everyone. Speaking of sleep, he has been sleeping 7-9 hours at night which is great, but as most of you know he is sleeping on his stomach. So starting today we are going to try to get him to sleep on his back. A big reason is because he will be going to the sitter starting OCt 1st and I dont want her to feel uncomfortable with him on his stomach when he sleeps there at night. So.....I think I will be cranky for awhile because this child HATES sleeping on his back.