Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! This year we are all thankful for such a happy, healthy little boy. He is the highlight of my day and brings so much joy to us all. My parents came down for the holiday which is always nice, they make a great turkey dinner! This year I decided I wanted to give a little back so Mom and I went to Ronald McDonald house and cooked dinner for the families staying there. I think we are going to try to make it a tradition.
Unfortunately I had to work this holiday, but at least most people stayed home and I didn't work to hard. With that said, I work all weekend so I am sure I will be really busy!

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

big guy

Jake had his 4mo appointment today. He is growing so fast, each day is a new adventure! here are all his accomplishments:

he is 16lbs, 25 in
1. starting cereal
2, squeels (loudly)
3 rolls stomach to back andback to stomach
4. turns to our voices
5. started shaking rattles (today!)
6. pushes up on hands
7. laughs out loud
8. does things to get our attention
9. stops everything to watch Carrie underwood on TV!
10. he coos at everything and everyone
11. loves to play in his bouncy seat

Since I have not updated this in a long time, there are lots of pics and a good squeeling video!

Squeeling boy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

nothing much

I cant believe it is November already! Where has the time gone, Jake is almost 4mo old and growing like crazy. He is a happy baby, loves to laugh and play. He also LOVES attention. He will now kick and hit his toys or "oohhhh" at you until you look at him, then he gives you a huge smile! He is a great sleeper also. He generally sleeps 10-12 hrs at night and sometimes puts himself to sleep. He will fall asleep on his floor mat or in the swing while we are eating.

I do however feel terrible right now, I have been back at work for just over a month an Jake now has a stuffy nose. I can almost guarantee I brought it home. I was worried about this and with all the people coming in to the ER with the "flu" I was concerned. I wear a mask, wash my hands till they are raw and change my clothes before I touch Jake but looks like he picked up something. No fevers or anything so hopefully I can follow my own instructions I give to all other parents and it wont be too bad!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

We had a pretty uneventful halloween, I worked until 2 pm and jake is just a little too young to care. But we did have an outfit for him which looked really cute. We were going to go to the mall and all dress up but after we got our costumes on (a doctor and firefighter-- really original huh?) we decided we didnt want to dress up. So we left Jake in his pumpkin and went to the mall which was very busy and not very fun. we came home and made dinner and went to bed. Not very eventful, but Jake was a cutie so here are the pics.