Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Settled IN

We Have been at the new house for a MOnth and it feels like we are settling right in! We are back on some type of regular schedule (as much as that is possible for us!) We have just about everything put away, and are LOVING IT. We started Jake in Little Gym. He seems to have fun. It is an entire room of stuff to get into and he doesnt get into trouble!

Of course his favorite was the balls

Jake is much more on the go now and rarely sits still, so I LOVE the first couple minutes in the morning when he lays with me!

Jake reading on the way home from northern VA

He is getting good at feeding himself. He throws a little bit of a hissy fit if you dont let him. BUt he gets about 70% in his mouth.

Just some super cute pics I couldnt resist putting in and the first Redskins game of the season!


Chillin like a big boy is his recliner watching a ball game

Yes he is wearing my underwear on his head. I was folding laundry and he was grabbing everything. he thought this was sooooo funny.

With Laura's wedding coming up we needed to get jake a hair cut! I was initially going to get it done a week before the wedding, but decided to do it sooner just in case it needed to grow back out a little. Jake seemed to enjoy it (well probably the fire truck!) but he did well and sat as still as you can expect him to. I think the hair cut came out well.

Jake got a fold up pool for his birthday. I had requested the largest one because I just KNEW I would be joining in the fun, but it didnt work out very well at the townhouse. We set it up in our new BIG backyard and we all had a blast. All three of us got in the pool and splashed around. Jake's new thing with any type of flowing water is to stick his face in it.

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