Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My boy is 18mo old and even the doctor said " wow, he's not a baby anymore is he!" Enough said!

height 33in
weight 28lbs

He really did some good growing. He went from the 30th percentile in height to the 60th. He really jumped up on the growth chart! He eats like a king, so its a good thing he grew!

His vocabulary is growing everyday and he is getting much better at telling you what he wants. he will say "More _____" you fill in the blank: juice, milk, cracker, book, music, tractor....on and on

His favorite phrase is "rock and roll" but when you put him down for nap or at night he cries out " i want my daddy" thats a gut wrencher!

He repeats everything you say, so we really have to watch what comes out of our mouths right now.

His favorite movie is the animated Robin Hood and his favorite books are The Very HUngry Caterpillar and Hot Rod Hamster.

His favorite toys are his Monster trucks, trains and tractors.

He is obsessed with his "bankey, bankey, bankey" (blankey) and "Ru-ru" (rupert his bear)

He is super cuddly, loves to laugh- especially at himself, playful but definitely very shy and reserved in new situations. He has to be encouraged to try new things and likes to study situations before jumping into them.

We cant wait to see what the next 18mos bring.

New hat and mittens


last day at the little gym. Look what I can do...

I can walk on my hands

I can do a forward roll

I can do a handstand on Parallel Bars

I can do a pullup on the bar

I can hang on the rings

Me and Dad being Goof balls

A classic picture. None of the kids are looking!

I love this video, Jake and Kurt are watching football. Jake's new thing is to "feed" us and its really cute. But I love his talking and how he gets right up in Kurts face to make his point-- whatever that point may be.

Monday, January 17, 2011

The evolution of hair

OK, all you out there that know me enough to read this blog know that I have never been one to care much about my hair. I dont spend hours on my hair, dont go to the hair salon every month and do the minimum it takes to make it look good. So I cant explain why, after more than one month I am still so upset about the stupid lady butchering my childs hair. So here is the evolution of his beautiful hair:

Starting to grow hair-- hair line just like my dad!

A couple first curls:

his beautiful hair:

-- I LOVE his curls under his hats!

First haircut for Laura's wedding

After the the stupid Hair Cuttery: notice how uneven it is cut, strands everywhere and most of his curls are gone except for one weird line vertically down the back...

Uneven Bangs

Weird Peacock thing on top of his head that stuck up from rest of his hair.

Little boy hair cut. He looks so much older and clean cut. They did a great job evening out his hair, I just hope he gets some curls back!

-- hahah--- I just previewed this in a whole and when I looked at the progression it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I realized why I am so upset. He looks so much older now, he's not my little baby anymore. hmmm, they grow too fast!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

18 months

My baby is not really a "baby" anymore. He is a walking, talking, eating machine! He has grown so much. we marked him on the wall when we first moved into the house 5mo ago, its hard to tell but he probably grew 2-3 inches

He loves anything with wheels as well as helicopters (helicaca)and airplanes, but is really into monster trucks (moca-cucks). He has toy monster trucks he plays with and now Kurt found Monster Jams on TV so he loves watching that while he plays with his own trucks.

I am amazed at how smart he is and how much he understands. He can follow commands (when he wants to) and if i ask him to grab a certain book he will get the correct one. He knows what he wants and will respond to questions with "nooo" or "yahhh".

He loves to "Rock n Roll". He loves music, dancing and playing guitar with dad. He has a little drum he plays as well (thanks LuLu!), and a harmonica. When we are upstairs he will point to the room the guitars are in and say "rock n roll" So cute!

Sorry about the video being sideways, I cant figure out how to fix it. Its short but he says " Rock n roll"

Jake Dancing to our favorite-- Bruce! He has horrible rhythm just like Mom and Dad