Wednesday, August 3, 2011

birthday party fun!

We had a party for Jake. We knew it was going to be hot so we had a baby pool, play sprinkler, water table and squirt guns. I think it was supposed to be 95 that day but luck rolled our way and a big thunderstorm came through which passed over us without raining but brought us a nice breeze and perfect cloud cover dropping the temp to about 85! we all had a blast!

Jake had so much fun and we are so appreciative and thankful for all the people who came and enjoyed the day with us!

His present was this playhouse. kurt and I plus the grandparents all chipped in! it even has a doorbell!

We bought Jake a tricycle. We initially got it a couple weeks ago but when we put it together it was broken, so had to send it back and re-order. He cant pedal yet but it has a parent steer bar so we can walk with him and control it. He really likes it!

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