Tuesday, September 6, 2011

40th Anniversary

It was my parents 40th anniversary this weekend. I think it is soo cool to know that 2 people can stay together and go through ups and downs and come out on top. It is an inspiration and I am so proud they are my parents and we are lucky to have them! They decided to come down to VB and rent a condo on the beach for their anniversary. I had to work the whole weekend but we got to spend some time with them and Jake got to spend the night at the beach one night. We had so much fun!

the hand in this picture is my Mom showing her new rings!

this is the present we gave them, it s canvas print of thier wedding picture. It came out really nice!

Its impossible to get a good pic of EVERYONE looking at the camera

My new FAV pic of the year!

Jake decided this weekend he was not afraid of the water and getting his head wet! he was a swimming fool!

As you may also remember we had a little hurricane last weekend. We made it though well. Our power was out for 2 days but we bought a generator and toughed it out!

It has been a great summer. Lots of fun, sun and beach! We still have fun to look forward to, we are going to the Lake next weekend then S'port here we come!

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