Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween

I was very excited about Halloween this year. We had been reading Halloween books for about a month and Jake was starting to get it. He would carry his bucket around and pretend to knock, then say Trick or treat. So i was excited to take him out!

This is his funny/mad face

My plan was to take to him to about 5-10 houses just within short distance of our house. We Live on a big circle and it is almost a mile all the way around! I have a friend/co-worker that lives on the opposite side and she wanted to see Jake so I had planned on going back to the house after a couple houses, getting his buggy and pushing him over.
Jake had a different idea after the first house gave him candy. He insisted on walking, and walking, and walking. I offered to carry him or his bucket but he said no and and kept walking! He made it the entire way around and was a little upset when we were done! He definitely has our sweet tooth!

Sitting anxiously on steps before we go

And we are off... this kid has a mission-- CANDY!

Back home with a mouth full of candy

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