Friday, January 15, 2010


Jake had his 6mo appointment the other day. The doctor said he was perfect.
18 lbs
25 1/2 in

He is a little short for his age, but his belly makes up for it and the doctor said he was right along the curve. I am not surprised though, we have been waiting for a growth spurt for about a month now. His belly just seems to be getting bigger-- ha! I think there is supposed to be big growth spurt at 6 mo so we will keep waiting and feeding him. He has conquered the "orange" foods. he loves sweet potatoes, carrots and butternut squash. Next come the peas, green beans and broccoli! I have a feeling this kid will eat just about anything we give him!

On another note, I have now, as of today,officially started my training for triathlons again. Jake and I went out for the first time in the Jeep stroller (thanks Laura and Tess!). We have a lot of training to do but I am excited and ready to take on this challenge!

I can bite my toes!

My running buddy, we both need to work off our bellies

Playing around

Hey ladies, any cute 6mo olds out there?

Ohhh I LOVE the kitty (but Moey cat is not so sure)

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