Monday, September 6, 2010

What a CRAZY couple weeks

It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I am sorry to you faithful followers for not updating sooner. Here is a snippet of the past 3 weeks.

WE packed up our stuff and moved over a couple days. It is amazing how much crap you accumulate. Now that we have a bigger house I am sure we will just collect more. If we EVER move again we will hire professionals!

-oh yeah, this was the small truck we loaded 2 days before we got the Monster UHAUL to move everything else. And you better believe we jammed packed both trucks.

In the middle of moving and working, we also celebrated my 30th birthday and my Dad's 60th. I thought it would be fun to go kayaking. I think we all had a blast. My MOm thought she was going to double up with Dad but when we got there we all had singles. I think she was a little nervous but she did it. Kurt realized he had fun AFTER we got out of the water and he made it without encountering a snake!

Jake has really made himself right at home in the new house. He has so much room to run and play. he thinks Daddy's recliner is really cool! He also LOVED the lawn mower. This kid loves anything with wheels or can be pushed or that has a motor.

Our new house!

A couple pics of Laura's bridal shower set-up. I think it came out really well and Laura had a great time

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