Saturday, November 27, 2010

We are thankful!

Happy Thanksgiving!

There is so much we are thankful for.

1. Our beautiful little boy
2. a wonderful family
3. good jobs
4. a New house
5. a healthy family
6. of course great friends!
7. and so much more!


Sharing with Daddy

Using a spoon, but...

Eating with hands is easier

A quick and messy game of Peek-a-Boo

or "pissaboo"

OK! Im Done!

We went to the Military Aviation Museum today, I think I have blogged about it before. Its a really cool place with WWII planes that are refurbished and fly. Today they had a model train show and Santa! We missed Santa though, and Jake isnt big enough to care yet.
Right now he LOVES trains and planes so he had a great time.

He is so funny because when he really likes something, he doesnt really get excited, he gets really intense and studies it. Thats why he is so serious in these pics!

Yeah-- he wore his train conductor outfit!

Watching the plane warm up with PopPop

Getting ready to take off

The plane started then stopped, if you look, Jake is signing "more"

Very focused on the plane

Down the runway

I think all generations enjoyed this!

Playing around in an old Army Jeep

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