Sunday, November 27, 2011

Holiday weekend of FUN

What a great 4 days this has been! Kurt and I have been off together and it is always great to spend time with all of us for more than a day!.

we went up to NoVa for Thanksgiving to spend the Holiday with Kurt's family. It was really great because his Grandmother (Nanny) came as well as Aunt Karen and Uncle Rich with his kids : Dina and Tommy who we have not seen since our wedding. They have never met Jake so it was very cool to spend some time with them.

Of course no Thanksgiving is complete without a ride in the wheelbarrow

Aunt Karen and Dina

Dina, Nanny, Aunt Karen


Of course dinner was fabulous, we all overstuffed ourselves and Jake was eating long after everyone else stopped!

The following day we picked up my parents and went to Alexandria to meet my brother for breakfast. Then we went on to Mt. Vernon. It was a perfect day, 65 degrees, no clouds and EVERYONE had the same idea we did. Mt Vernon was packed. We got our tickets around 12:30 and our scheduled time to see the actual house was 3:40. You do the math with a 2 year old. NO way we would be staying that long! But we did have a great time walking around the grounds.

We came home Saturday and today (Sunday)went to the airplane museum to see the train show. Jake Loves the airplane museum and what could be better than airplanes and trains!
this was the end of the train show so there were not many people there which was nice.

One train set-up had a cool Thomas engine where the kids could get in, pull the cord and make the steam whistle and control Thomas the train.

--if you are paying attention you will notice the necklace. Jake insisted on a necklace this morning when he saw me put mine on. This is the "manliest" one I have.

After the train show Jake took a nice long nap, we started decorating the house then we went to pick up a couple things to help decorate. Kurt has been wanting to get a train track to go around the tree and found one!
Jake was so giddy about the train, we was talking a mile a minute and kept saying " ohh thank you Mommy, thank you Daddy" " I'm happy with you Mommy".
I have never seen him this excited about something!

The set up. Upstairs around a fake tree we bought.

This might be in a tie for may favorite picture of the year

they have been playing with it for 2 hours now! They took a short break for dinner but Jake was so excited to get back to his " beautiful steam engine"

Happy Thanksgiving

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