Tuesday, November 20, 2012


For the sanity of the house we HAD to get Jake involved in something this winter. He has too much energy and is going to wear a track around the house from running the same circle! So we decided to sign him up for Taekwondo! OMG, so cute. Just putting him in the uniform made it all worth it.

This is just cute!. The kids in the front have been in class for a while and have earned belts. some are VERY serious!

Learning his punches

Practicing kicking...his partner was a little karate kid. This little guy was totally focused, doing spin kicks and all sorts of fancy moves. Jake thought they were playing a game and was cheesing it up the whole time

Ok, not so bad!

Jake and this girl thought it was more fun to kick the top pad off than to actually kick, but this was a good one

During this drill they jumped over 2 pads then did a somersault at the last one

Jake didnt really get the somersault part. He just put his head on the mat

And waited...

And waited....

Until the instructor helped him!

Then he decided he was going to "sneak" over to us

Ever so quite so no one will notice

Except maybe the girls in the back of the line laughing (not to mention the other parents laughing)

I guess he thought if he made himself really small and walk slowly no one would see

We found out when he finally made it to us, he had to pee!

Getting his white belt

Its official

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mid November fun

We went to a friends birthday party today. They had the party at the local zoo and it was really fun. They brought out different animals for the kids to touch and look at including a SNAKE!

These kids are really serious


We touched it!

Me: Jake, what was your favorite part about the party
Jake: The sugar!

This was the best shot... hmmmmm

Some other recent pics

A sick boy and his bear

Sweet girl doing what she does best, blowing bubbles and spitting up

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy halloween

Happy Halloween!

I think I was as excited as Jake this year!

In the morning I made pumpkin pancakes in the shape of pumpkins. They were delicious

I sent him to school after this-- Sorry
For dinner I made Mummy dogs and blood soup (tomato and rice soup)


If you follow my blog ( i think that's about 5 of you) or if you know my son at all you know that this year has been the year of the volcano! he decided he loved volcanoes and has dedicated a good amount of time watching videos, reading books and learning about volcanoes.

SO what better costume then a volcano! I googled a couple pictures and thought.. I can MAKE this!

I think it was awesome. We got so many compliments from neighbors! Jake shared my excitement

"This is how the magma comes out"

To Quote Gangi " his finger is in the conduit"
--Side note, sometimes Jake gets under his covers and calls it the conduit--

Mt Vesuvius is Jake's favorite volcano (I don't know why)



And lets not forget Gabi...she has her eye on Jake's candy!