Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy halloween

Happy Halloween!

I think I was as excited as Jake this year!

In the morning I made pumpkin pancakes in the shape of pumpkins. They were delicious

I sent him to school after this-- Sorry
For dinner I made Mummy dogs and blood soup (tomato and rice soup)


If you follow my blog ( i think that's about 5 of you) or if you know my son at all you know that this year has been the year of the volcano! he decided he loved volcanoes and has dedicated a good amount of time watching videos, reading books and learning about volcanoes.

SO what better costume then a volcano! I googled a couple pictures and thought.. I can MAKE this!

I think it was awesome. We got so many compliments from neighbors! Jake shared my excitement

"This is how the magma comes out"

To Quote Gangi " his finger is in the conduit"
--Side note, sometimes Jake gets under his covers and calls it the conduit--

Mt Vesuvius is Jake's favorite volcano (I don't know why)



And lets not forget Gabi...she has her eye on Jake's candy!

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