Thursday, December 3, 2009

sitting pretty

Jake is changing so fast, its hard to keep up with everything he is doing. At his 4mo appointment the doctor told me he would be starting to sit up soon and she was right! within a week he started sitting. it is still a work in process but he can sit for 10-20 seconds before tumbling over to one side. He has pretty much mastered the cereal now as well! He is also bridging, he gets up on his knees and elbows but hasnt learned to lift his head up yet. I dont want him to grow up so fast, but I predict he will be starting to crawl by the New Year. all I have to say is watch out Moe, cause the baby is coming!

Let me preface this video, I asked kurt to take a picture so I was trying to get Jake to look up, I did NOT know he was videotaping.

Lala (laura) with her good friend (and now mine) Melissa and her son Kyle

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