Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tough two weeks

Sorry I have not updated this recently, we have had a sick household. Jake was sick last week, he had a runny nose, little cough but pretty high fevers of 100-103. We were giving Tylenol around the clock but couldnt get the fevers all the way down. So we took him into the doctor and she said it was a virus and to stick it out with tyenol, the humidifer and the dreaded bulb suction. SO we did and he s now doing much better. Although he has learned what the bulb syringe is for and starts crying and squirming before it even touches his nose. So just about the time he was getting better, struck a fever of 102. Super Kurt was running around trying to get Jake to bed me tylenol and more blankets. Of course I couldnt get anyone to work for me the next day, so loaded with my tylenol and motrin I headed in. With one hour left in my shift I asked the doc to look in my throat because it was on fire to find out I had strep! But I got some antibiotics and now we are all on the mend.

I havent taken many new pics, but I do have a good video. Jake has a new game of peek-a-boo. Its a little long, but cute.

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