Tuesday, November 23, 2010

ooosh-shis and paaanes

Jake is really starting to develop his vocabulary. It seems like he is picking up new words almost every day. He is copying a lot of what we say also.
So i realized I have to stop saying " MOEY SHUT UP"!! and have changed to "MOEY PLEAAASE BEEEE QUUIITTE" lol.

here is a list of his words

car -- dar
wheel -- whee
fire truck -- fi-du
juice-- joosh
plane -- paaane
shoes-- oosh-esh
train -- beep beep or choo choo
please -- peese
thank you -- taa-too
nice -- nysh
bubbles -- bub-bl
nose -- noshe

I am sure there are more, he repeats a lot but these are the words he uses without prompting

A couple cute pics

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