Monday, November 1, 2010

The "you need to update the blog" Blog

We have been very busy since the last blog. we had Lauras wedding, the "black eye" and of course Halloween!

Jake was a ring bearer in Lauras wedding on 10/16. We dont have pics of the wedding yet, but I can assure you he was soooooo cute! here is a pic from the Rehearsal.

I expect Jake to get some bumps and bruises but its always a little shocking when your husband calls and says " uhhh, jake MAY have a black eye when you get home." Excuse me, he MAY have a black eye, hahah! Yeah he had a little black eye. It wasnt to bad and didnt seem to bother him at all. In fact when it happened Kurt said he barely cried, Tough guy. It did earn a new nickname of Bruiser for a couple days.

Jake is learning so fast. I have lost track of how many words he knows but there are quite a few. He also does a good job of following one or simple 2-step commands. He LOVES animals and we think it is the cutest to make him do all the animal sounds. the cat is hard to hear but the sheep and the lion are my favorite!

Since he really loves animals we took him to the pumpkin patch where they have a petting farm. he really liked the animals but his favorite thing at the farm was the tractor. He made a B-line to the tractor the second he saw it.

we had walked away from the tractor at this point but Jake wasnt a fool and the second he could he went right back to it!

This was the first halloween I have really been excited about in 20 years or more. I could not wait to get home and dress jake up in his tux and take him out. I knew he wouldnt really understand what was going on but he seemed to like it. his halloween basket is actually his easter basket and its a fire truck so he was really excited about that. when he got candy in the basket you could see his eyes light up and he would smile all the way back down the driveways! it was really cute. We dont really give Jake pure sugar but we let him try a sweettart and he shared a tootsie pop with me. He wanted more but he was jacked up on a sugar high already!

Jake found our candy before we even went out!

He was so excited for his Dumdum

Jakes Loot (which we ate!)

Sharing a tootsie pop!

WE had to have a little fun with Jake and made him a Chippendale dancer!

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