Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mom's 60th

This past Friday was my Mom's 60th birthday. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful, caring, beautiful mother and grandmother! On Friday we went to a fabulous restaurant called Steinhilbers. We came home and Mom opened her presents and we ate amazing desserts my brother made. (seriously-- chocolate chip cookie bread pudding-- OMG)

I wiggled my way out of working on Saturday and we got to spend the day together. we did some shopping, more shopping and then more shopping until we were too tired to keep going!

Since I had to work Mothers day we exchanged cards a couple small gifts on Saturday night and ate more of the dessert (chocolate pecan pie---oh yeah!)

this picture doesn't do the dessert justice!

It was a wonderful birthday/Mothers day weekend, but it is going to continue through this weekend when Mom uses her birthday present and we get to go on a scrapbooking retreat together!

Sunday after I got home from work we took Jake to see Monster Trucks on the beach. They do it every year, they have a show then put the trucks out. we didn't want to go to the show ("mocacucks very loud") but ended up catching the end of it and they SCARED Jake! He liked them after they pulled up onto the beach "mocacucks very big, Mocacucks Awesome"

A couple other pics from the weekend. Jakes favorite thing right now is bugs. He played with this poor lady bug for 20 minutes. I think if lady bugs have 9 lives she used them all up!

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