Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lots and Lots

These past 2 weeks have been busy! The parents all had spring break so my parents came down the first half and Kurts parents came down the second half.

I guess the biggest announcement is that we are having a GIRL! We were keeping it in until we saw our parents and could announce it to them in person.

I have really been wanting chocolate cake so to get it I decided to make a cake to announce the sex of the baby.

The weather wasnt very good while our parents were here so we didnt do too much. lots of indoor playing!

Donna and Alan gave us a huge treat and replaced our sink. Our other sink was leaky and we had NO water pressure. I LOVE the new one. We picked out a big one basin sink and its working out great. Thank you, thank you!

Jake and Gangi decorated Easter eggs while Alan and kurt put the sink in, with occasional help from Jake

Easter was fun, we had an easter egg hunt in our back yard. Jake discovered quickly that the eggs were filled with candy. after gathering about 10 he decided he was done and just wanted the candy-- ohh well. One of the ladies at work gave me a giftcard to Walmart for Jake so I bought him the truck with that. he needed a new bigger beach truck. This one is perfect.

He finds the first egg:

Realizes there is candy in there:

And he's off:

A couple days later the weather was perfect and we tested out his new truck at the beach.

After a nap we played with a rubberband airplane. he told kurt " this is the most fun I ever had!"

We had a lot going on but it was all fun!

Look for the next blog on Operation Potty Training!

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