Wednesday, April 18, 2012

OPeration Potty Training

I took an entire week off of work to hang out with the family and start getting some baby stuff/house stuff done. Then Kurt had an opportunity to go to a Firefighter conference (with work paying) so he left for Indianapolis for the week.

So I here I am, a week off work, just me and Jake, nothing to do. I thought I might as well give potty training a goood solid try! I want him to be trained by the time baby 2 comes and this was the perfect opportunity.

So far so good!

He spent 3 days naked or "maked" and now we have transitioned to big boy underwear.
He has loved being naked, what little boy doesnt? I have a lot of naked pics I am not going to post but will file away for later blackmailing!

We have not been out of the house/backyard for 5 days and I am starting to go a little crazy. We did take a 25 min walk around the neighborhood today and no accidents so we are going to try to run some errands tomorrow, maybe get some ice cream!

Jakes Potty Chart, gets a sticker every time he goes in the potty. this was day one, he has a LOT of stickers now!

The weather was perfect for the naked days! we played outside most of the day

Had to get creative with art projects, must keep child occupied!

Jake also got creative and decided the computer chair is now his perfect TV watching chair

Well-- I think he has it figured out!