Thursday, August 9, 2012

So far, so good

We have been home with Gabi for a couple days now and it seems to be going well. Jake is really doing fantastic with her. he loves to hold her and has lots of questions about her. He wants to know if she has teeth, if when she wakes up from napping she will be big enough to play, he wants to know about her "cord" and why she only eats milk which "is only a drink". Our first night was a little rough as expected but last night she slept in 3 hour blocks. we are hoping for the same tonight!
First Bath, big brother is a big helper!
Silly boy! Good thing Kurt used dry erase marker
I see definite similarities between jake and Gabi. here is a comparison. I see it mostly in the eyes and nose. Jake is the first pic, Gabi second. I think Jake is 2-3wks in this pic so he has filled out a little

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