Thursday, October 18, 2012

what a week

This past week has been an emotional rollercoaster. I want to first start out saying how relieved I am that my Superman Uncle came through his surgery very well. He has been through so much and is so strong to come out of each obstacle and continue to be so positive. I know he has amazing support which makes a world of difference.

Our cat Moe and been having some health issues lately and it finally came to a point we had to make the gut wrenching decision to let him go. It has been harder than I thought. We have had Moe for 10 years. I got him in college my last summer. Katie and Caleb agreed to take him with Caleb being slightly resistant. I dont remember how long it took for Caleb to come around to Moe but before we knew it everytime we came back from class Caleb and Moe (Toonie Woonie) were taking a nap on the couch.
Caleb even had a song for him:
Toonie Woonie your the one
You make nap time so much fun

He was a good college cat, he enjoyed the party games and loved the people. After college Moe and I move up to Northern Virginia. I didnt know anyone and Moe and I hung out All the time, until I met Kurt. The first time Kurt came over to my house he had put Bengay on his groin after straining it. Moe loved Bengay and spent the night licking Kurt's crotch. I think their bond started right then.

Moe seemed more like a dog than a cat. He had personality to boot, a meow for all occasions and cuddled better than any dog could. He seemed to creep into everyones hearts.
As soon as Jake could crawl he was obsessed with Moe. Moey was Jakes first best friend. he would chase him all over and sometimes Moe would play along but most of the time Moey just tolerated Jake. He was patient, and never lashed out or tried to bite Jake even if his tail was being pulled or he was backed into a corner.
He was a pain in the ass but he was a great cat. He always knew when you needed a good cuddle, he woke us up at 5am because Flex was hungry, he would sleep with me when Kurt was working, he would befriend anyone that walked through our doors!

He is loved and missed here are just a couple recent Moe pics, mostly with Jake in them. The cool thing is, every picture file I open he is there. He really was a big part of our lives

scroll down to see super cute video. this was over a year ago. Jake is saying "its ok moe-moe" and at the end says " i think he needs food"

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